Partner: a signature for the security
Around the playful contest "Turn your mind on, use your hands" there is a publishing plan and awareness to social issues highlighted in the statute of the Association (education / safety / mobility) that will be shared with the Traffic Police and will be communicated and issued through mailing lists, newsletters and activities in schools and universities and also shared with institutions and supporting partners.
In conjunction with the motoparade, an auction (also online) will allow Motomorphosis to allocate to different non-profit associations the sales gains.

Motomorphosis has involved institutions, partners, drivers, VIPs and personalities in support of the themes and social values of the project. Motomorphosis can count on the support of partners such as: Polizia di Stato, Arma dei Carabinieri, Confindustria, Ancma, Regione Lombardia, EICMA, Motor Show, Star Team, ADI, Clear Channel, Ducati, Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Brembo, ATEQ, CR&S, Nikon, Blachere, Maimeri, Spagnolo Design, Sonos, REFE, MBSchenker, Opinion Leader, Aruba, Esseblu.

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Institutional Partner

Edu Partner

Mobility Partner


MPM servizi ambientali per la sicurezza stradale
San Benedetto

Technical partners