Motomorphosis is an international educational path made in Italy.
Education, safety
and road mobility featuring awareness, fun and charity.
A unique event, original and creative.
Download the statute
Motomorphosis is a association that since 2009, is committed to spread the issue
education, road safety, mobility and sustainability throughout the Italian national territory and also internationally.
Motomorphosis along with institutional and business partners who tell and underline “bon ton” in the field of coexistence and road sharing, promotes and supports initiatives, educational research and teaching, events and art competitions relating and showing the exciting world of motorcycles.
Small and significant acts by each one of us to allow a better way of living the road and above all safety.
From the pedestrian to the truck driver, from the biker to the car driver.
Anyone can be polite and correct.
The motorcycle (two wheels even non-motorized) is Motomorphosis’ choice as a means of communication as it’s the most exposed to the risks of cohabitation and road sharing.
But that doesn’t mean that the message is and will be addressed only to bikers and cyclists: on the contrary it’s addressed specially, and also to those who share the road every day.
Artists, designers, manufacturers, institutions, companies, sponsors, fans, students are all invited to support the diffusion of safety culture, making their contribution as citizens,and actively participating in the creation of a motorcycle starting from a silhouette designed exclusively for the association by Pino Spagnolo, a reference name in the field of Design.
MOTOMORPHOSIS is praise to beauty and a hymn to life, which is expressed through a conscious drive and a use of technology that helps safety issues.