Events | Clear Channel and BikeMi for Motomorphosis

Clear Channel and BikeMi
for Motomorphosis

Hundreds of people in Milan celebrated, with a cyclo parade, the arrival of 1,000 BikeMi pedal assisted bicycles, parading through the streets of Milan, up to Piazza Duomo.
Milan becomes the first city in the world to have a Bike sharing system. An innovative project promoted by Clear Channel and sponsored by the City of Milan and ATM and realized thanks to the contribution of the Environment Ministry.
The cycling procession received the welcome by Barbara Degani Undersecretary for the Environment, Pierfrancesco Maran Councillor for Mobility and Environment, who arrived on a bike with the citizens and Paolo Dosi the CEO of Clear Channel Italy.
The cyclo parade was escorted all the way by 5 bikes provided by Ducati, Kawasaki, and CRS, on request of Motomorphosis, Association for social awareness about road safety issues and partner of Clear Channel. A partnership which intends to educate two-wheeled vehicle drivers, as they are the most prone and vulnerable to traffic accidents.
Motomorphosis had a motorbike in Piazza Duomo, that was fully autographed by celebrities and institutional figures such as the Secretary for the Environment, Milan’s Councillor for Mobility and Environment and the CEO of Clear Channel Italy.

In the Piazza Duomo this autographed motorbike, was, for the occasion, also signed by Pierfrancesco Maran, Paolo Dosi and some personalities from Ducati and Kawasaki.

Pierfrancesco Maran, Mobility and environment councillor left his autograph on the motoparade

Paolo Dosi, Amministratore Delegato di Clear Channel firma la Motoparade

